
We offer a variety of psychological services, including therapy, assessment, consultations and virtual events. All services are provided through telehealth at this time. Contact us for more information!

Telehealth Therapy: Telehealth therapy is offered through a secure, HIPAA compliant website that you can access through a computer, tablet or phone. Recent research suggests that telehealth can be as effective as face-to-face therapy when done appropriately. We follow the APA’s guidelines for telehealth therapy to provide safe, effective treatment.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, also known as “ACT” is a cutting edge type of Cognitive-Behavioral therapy. In short, ACT involves finding ways to live your values, even in the presence of uncomfortable thoughts, feelings and situations. Many people find that ACT allows them to do the things they want to do the most – even while working on the painful parts of their lives. ACT has great scientific evidence behind it, and we fully believe that it can help you.

Anxiety and Panic Services: While we treat a variety of psychological difficulties, anxiety and panic disorder are at the forefront. Along with ACT, we provide behavioral techniques to help ease the symptoms of anxiety, panic attacks, and related issues.

Parent Coaching: When your child is suffering, it can be hard to know how to react to help them. In addition, if your child has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder or another significant diagnosis, you may be feeling lost or confused. We can help you figure out how to best support your child, which parenting techniques may work best, and work through your own feelings about parenting.

Autism Spectrum Disorder: Individuals who are on the Autism Spectrum encounter the same stressors as neurotypical people – anxiety, depression, and more. We have years of experience helping children, teens and adults on the spectrum through life’s challenges. While the techniques may be a little different, depending on individual challenges, the outcome is the same: a more meaningful life. We also have experience in social skills training, and work in tandem with BCBAs.

Psychological Testing and Assessment: We currently provide testing services through telehealth for children, adolescents and adults. Because this is a relatively new area, we are constantly updating our procedures to provide the most accurate, comprehensive and safe testing experience. Testing can help clarify a diagnosis, determine whether ADHD or a Learning Disorder is present, and rule out disorders like Autism Spectrum Disorder.